Monday 19 June 2023

Chill couple of hours in Chiddingstone

Dear FOQ

This past month I have been mostly...

...experimenting with a more frequent, albeit scattergun, approach to posting, to rev up the momentum a little bit and to post between posts, if you catch my drift. 

I don't know why, or when, but I've become mesmerised by the mechanics and mathematics behind social media and the merits of engagement over views. And I know I've always had a loyal readership even when I've posted absolutely nada for weeks – nay, months – but I want to rebuild brand tqb for want of a better expression, until the blogging mojo returns in force and the quirky brunette re-establishes herself.

So here's a share of my latest IG post for want of anything else! 

I took today off to allow for the potential emotional fall-out from the charity walk my ma and I did on Saturday night, and yesterday being Father's Day and all that entailed... and Ma QB and I pootled over to Chiddingstone for a couple of hours to take in the grounds ("the grinds") of the Castle, have a delicious lunch at the Tulip Tree tea room (smashed avocado on sourdough for moi, quiche of the day for Ma) and see the actual Chiding Stone (it gave us a suitably stony, judgmental glower). 

Very pleasant it was, too.

qb xx 

Friday 16 June 2023

The man, the myth, the Legend...

Dear FOQ

Popping my head round the proverbial blog door to say hi, and also to prove that sharing is caring...


Ted Neeley will probably always be the ultimate JCS Jesus based on the fillum and he can still absolutely belt out Gethsemane now (well, two years ago).

Ben Forster has also performed an absolutely staggering rendition in the past including at a local music festival a couple of years ago.

You really have to do something mind-blowing to top those two Superstars but... I'm pretty sure John Legend just blew my tiny mind. I've low-key liked his music for a while now but his range here is just... \chefskiss

qb xx

Monday 5 June 2023

7-Day Sketchbook Challenge | The attempts!

May Moments | to the end (Days 16 to 31)

Dear FOQ 

There's an epic York photo-dump on the horizon, but until Claire and I have got our acts together and compiled all that we want to share, you'll have to make do with the second half of my interpretation of Susannah Conway's photo-a-day challenge, May Moments. 

Add to that the fact that I decided in that last week also to participate in Susan Yeates' 7-Day Sketchbook Challenge and I think it's fair to say I have forced my creative mojo back into some semblance of being. 

Not done any novel-writing, mind you, although I did find myself listening to my writing playlist while in York, and realising I was beginning to miss it...

qb xx